‘Almost no’ remote or hybrid jobs exist for top earners, research shows

Dive Brief:

  • Jobs with salaries of $250,000 or more offer significantly fewer opportunities to work remotely or in a hybrid arrangement, according to research released Monday by Ladders, a job site sharing positions with salaries of $100,000 or more annually. 
  • Job listings allowing high-earning employees to work remotely fell 60% in the past year, and ones permitting hybrid work plunged 95%, the research showed. 
  • Of more than half a million jobs posted in the past year, 4% of $250,000-plus jobs were listed as fully remote, and fewer than 1% were offered as hybrid, per the research.

Dive Insight:

Top-paying jobs are not the only ones seeing a decline in flexible working arrangements.

About 90% of companies said they planned to put return-to-office policies into place by the end of 2024, according to an August report by Resume Builder. From SpaceX to U.S. Bank to the federal government, employers are increasingly mandating workers return to the office. 

The move is meeting mixed reactions as some workers leave for new jobs and others engage in “coffee badging,” or going into the office for a few hours for facetime. High-performing workers, women and millennials are especially likely to be turned away by office mandates, according to findings released in January by consulting firm Gartner’s HR practice. 

About a third of employees said they might look for a new job if their employer implements a full-time RTO mandate, per a January report by talent advisory firm iCIMS.